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Mineração Taboca

Mineração Taboca was founded in 1969, and it is one of the few companies active in the world tin market to have its own mine (Pitinga), located in the Amazon Region, in the municipality of Presidente Figueiredo, Brazil. The company operates in the research, mining, and marketing of tin, niobium, and tantalum.

SafeStart at Mineração Taboca

The implementation of SafeStart in the Pirapora unit was part of a set of other parallel actions that were already happening in the company. Shortly after SafeStart was implemented, there was a positive change in how the employees viewed safety and a noticeable change in their risk perception. As a result of these changes, according to Minsur S.A. Corporate Health and Safety Manager Belisario Perez the Pirapora unit achieved significant recognition and became the benchmark for occupational safety in Latin America’s mining industry.

Item details

  • Writer: SafeStart Brazil
  • File type: PDF
  • Length: Two pages
  • File size: 304 kb


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