
Click on the videos below to learn more about what SafeStart is all about, our work with the community and more.


Safety beyond compliance

This three-minute video explores the importance of addressing human factors in the effort to achieve and maintain zero injuries.

Beyond Compliance 2015


SafeStart Home

This short video by the creator of SafeStart explains why you should involve your family members, local youth groups and other members of the community in your SafeStart journey.


History of SafeStart

Larry Wilson, Chief Visionary Officer of SafeStart, offers a brief history of SafeStart, why it was needed and how it was developed.

History of SafeStart


Improving Employee Engagement

Watch the two-minute video below to learn about the problem organisations face with employee engagement and how companies can turn this issue into an opportunity.


Our work in Suriname

This video shows how SafeStart was taken into all the high schools in Suriname in partnership with Kosmos Energy.

Kosmos & SafeStart Promote Safety in Suriname