
News you can use: the latest thinking on human behaviour, error patterns and the science of safety from our on-the-ground professionals.


Why Nobody Likes Safety Training

Most people are not interested at all in safety training. They think it is another mandatory boring training session that they won’t see anything new. That said, it’s not easy to get people fired up about safety if the statistical likelihood that they’ll ever experience…

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Rethink risk assessment. Adding the third dimension.


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Complacency and Covid – Don’t Trip on the Finish Line: SafeConnection Expert Panel Webinar Summary

We thought it was over, but it wasn’t. The second wave, third wave, variants that spread even faster… And yet, despite the media hype and countless warnings, what happened – all over – has followed the complacency continuum. And now, the situation is worse (than…

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Safe Home Office

2020 was a year like no other, with COVID 19 presenting challenges like never before. Life as we knew it changed overnight, with restrictions placed on all elements of life as we knew it. In Asia, 88% of organizations have encouraged or required their employees…

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Defenceless Moments – A Different Perspective on Serious Injuries and Fatalities

“So that was by far the worst injury or incident of my life, but it was hardly the most dangerous hike, let alone the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done.”

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COVID-19. The Personal Battle with Critical Errors and Complacency Drift

The article COVID-19 The Personal Battle with Critical Errors and Complacency Drift by SafeStart’s Author and CEO, Larry Wilson, explains how the four Critical Error Reduction Techniques (CERTs) can help us to make better decisions, fewer errors and be more alert during and post-pandemic.

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Slips, Trips and Falls: Paradigm Shift

When it comes to slips, trips and falls, what is really more important: what you stumble on or the hurrying? How many times have you slipped, tripped or fell because you were rushing? Can you even begin to count? When you’re done reading this article, hopefully you won’t just hurry along as if nothing ever happened. And hopefully this will be because of some significant paradigm shifts, which will give you a different perspective—and hence, a different set of tools to help prevent slips, trips and falls—significantly.

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Safety and Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is more than a corporate buzz phrase: Instead, its impacts will be huge. But what will they look like in terms of safety? Will accidents be finally eliminated? Will we be immune to making errors? What’s the role of human factors in all that?

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Safety Culture and Organisational Change

Need to transform Organisational and Safety Culture where you are? Put aside culture and make change your explicit goal. We set out the elements of an effective plan for change and describe the pitfalls you can avoid along the way.

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The Human Factors

Companies can repeatedly display safety charts, write policies, and conduct seminars on risk, but come what may, will be unable to dictate a key contingency in safety at work: human behaviour. This piece digs in to human factors including particular features of the individual mindset, organisational elements and behavioural patterns.

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Complacency: the Silent Killer

To combat complacency, one has to take the active step of understanding a given task’s context in terms of risk and hazard. Complacency should never be disrespected, but certainly must not be capitulated to: one has to cultivate positive habits and skills, as well as educating one’s team in how complacency can undermine sound decision-making.

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Unlocking the Code to Human Error

The name of this essay was prompted by a remark made by the Director of Training and Development of a large construction firm in the course of a discussion with Larry Wilson, Chief Visionary Officer of SafeStart: “Larry,” he observed, “you have unlocked the code to human error”.

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