Virtual Academy

Keep your Safety efforts up
and running - anytime, anywhere. 

Train your people in SafeStart wherever they are!

We all know that it takes a lot of time and effort to create a sustainable safety culture. And we also know that a successful safety programme trains employees to look out for their own safety and the safety of others.

So, what happens when lone workers don’t have colleagues beside them to rely on for safety support? Or what happens when you have part of your workforce working remotely?

Core Units training, Extended Application Units, Rate Your State and more! Let us know your needs!

SafeStart has an advanced remote worker delivery model that can be used to effectively train your team wherever they are at any point in time.

Using a combination of live video training, workshops, web-meetings, coach-by-phone and self-learning, we can help organisations to keep on track and keep their employees safe irrespective of distance, disruption to travel or group meeting restrictions.

Remote Worker Programme

Flexible Blended Learning Methods including:

Group Discussion

Group Discussion Webinar

In groups of 6- 10, participants attend a webinar facilitated by the internal remote facilitator where they review portfolios, share SafeStart stories and review CERT practise experiences.  

Portfolio Assignment


After each webinar, participants download their fillable personal portfolio in which they have some review and practise assignments. 

Webinar Unit Training

Webinar Unit Training

Each participant attends training facilitated online by the SafeStart consultant with supporting materials. Each unit is delivered in sessions of 1-hour every 3 weeks.

Coaching by Phone


Live online and phone based coaching sessions 

Working remotely is no longer a
barrier to effective safety training!

Key benefits of SafeStart’s Virtual Academy:

Consistent message

Same content, same knowledge, same quality… employees in the workplace or away from the workplace being trained at the same pace.

Continuation of training

No unnecessary gaps between training sessions, no matter what.


Train more people at the same time with reduced travel expenses.


Ready to go programmes that work 24/7.


A great solution for organisations where some employees are too far away to reach but cannot be left  behind when it comes to safety.

Contact us to find out more and keep your people safer 24/7, no matter where they are!

Download our brochure

Don’t let your Safety improvement efforts and programmes be derailed by distance or isolation!

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