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Unlocking the Code to Human Error

Hand, unlocking the code, human error, sustainable safety culture, the human factors, critical states, injury reduction, 24/7 safety, frustration, fatigue, rushing, complacency, SafeStart, SafeStart International, safety habits, workplace safety, occupational safety, improve safety culture, boost safety awareness, reduce human failure, reduce injuries, injury reduction, reduce accident rates, improve company figures, prevent critical errors, implement a positive culture change at your company, promote employee engagement, boost employee commitment, 24/7 safety, safety round the clock, being safe 24/7, safe behavioural patterns, learn safe behaviour, acquire universal safety skills, safety skill for families, safety skills for children, safety skills for everyone, safety training for employees, safety for the whole company, safety training for kids, improve operational efficiency, improve quality, safety-related habits, safety-related behaviour, risk patterns, ensure high performance, critical states, critical decisions, critical errors, how injuries occur, how to prevent injuries, how to prevent accidents

Mistakes are a perennial fact of human life; for this reason, the majority of safety efforts to date have set about minimising the effects of injury-causing errors. This has worked – but within limits. Day-to-day injuries still occur that are both painful and costly.

In the article linked below, readers can learn about injury prevention from a sharply contrasting perspective: quashing injury-causing errors before they can occur. To err may indeed be human, but this does not mean we should resign ourselves to the inevitability of sprained wrists or damaged equipment: there are techniques and skills that can reduce injury-causing errors to a minimum.

“Unlocking the Code of Human Error”: details

  • Writer: Larry Wilson
  • File type: PDF file
  • Length: Four pages
  • Size: 365 kb